- Poems and Songs of Robert Burns内容简介
关于Poems and Songs of Robert Burns:RobertBurns(1759-1796)(alsoknownasRabbieBurns,Scotlandsfavouriteson,thePloughmanPoet,theBardofAyrshireandinScotlandassimplyTheBard),wasapoetandalyricist.HeiswidelyregardedasthenationalpoetofScotland,M.hzGjjX.COM【微信公众号:Robert Burns 。】
- Poems and Songs of Robert Burns在线阅读
- Preface
- Song—Handsome Nell
- Song—O Tibbie, I Hae Seen The Day
- Song—I Dreamd I Lay
- Song—In The Character Of A Ruined Farme
- Tragic Fragment
- Tarbolton Lasses, The
- Montgomeries Peggy
- Ploughmans Life, The
- Ronalds Of The Bennals, The
- Song—Heres To Thy Health
- Lass Of Cessnock Banks, The
- Song—Bonie Peggy Alison
- Song—Mary Morison
- Winter: A Dirge
- Prayer, Under The Pressure Of Violent An
- Paraphrase Of The First Psalm
- First Six Verses Of The Ninetieth Psalm
- Prayer, In The Prospect Of Death
- Stanzas, On The Same Occasion
- Fickle Fortune: A Fragment
- Raging Fortune—Fragment Of Song
- Impromptu—“Ill Go And Be A Sodger”
- Song—“No Churchman Am I”
- A Stanza Added In A Mason Lodge
- My Father Was A Farmer
- John Barleycorn: A Ballad
- Death And Dying Words Of Poor Mailie, Th
- Poor Mailies Elegy
- Song—The Rigs O Barley
- Song Composed In August
- Song
- Song—Green Grow The Rashes
- Song—Wha Is That At My Bower-Door
- Remorse: A Fragment
- Epitaph On Wm. Hood, Senr., In Tarbolton
- Epitaph On James Grieve, Laird Of Boghea
- Epitaph On My Own Friend And My Fathers
- Epitaph On My Ever Honoured Father
- Ballad On The American War
- Reply To An Announcement By J. Rankine O
- Epistle To John Rankine
- A Poets Welcome To His Love-Begotten Dau
- Song—O Leave Novels
- Fragment—The Mauchline Lady
- Fragment—My Girl Shes Airy
- The Belles Of Mauchline
- Epitaph On A Noisy Polemic
- Epitaph On A Henpecked Country Squire
- Epigram On The Said Occasion
- Another
- On Tam The Chapman
- Epitaph On John Rankine
- Lines On The Authors Death
- Man Was Made To Mourn: A Dirge
- The Twa Herds; Or, The Holy Tulyie
- Epistle To Davie, A Brother Poet
- Holy Willies Prayer
- Epitaph On Holy Willie
- Death and Doctor Hornbook
- Epistle To J. Lapraik, An Old Scottish B
- Second Epistle To J. Lapraik
- Epistle To William Simson
- Postcript
- One Night As I Did Wander
- Tho Cruel Fate Should Bid Us Part
- Song—Rantin, Rovin Robin
- Elegy On The Death Of Robert Ruisseaux
- Epistle To John Goldie, In Kilmarnock
- The Holy Fair
- Third Epistle To J. Lapraik
- Epistle To The Rev. John Mmath
- Second Epistle to Davie
- Song—Young Peggy Blooms
- Song—Farewell To Ballochmyle
- Fragment—Her Flowing Locks
- Halloween
- To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nes
- Epitaph On John Dove, Innkeeper
- Epitaph For James Smith
- Adam Armours Prayer
- The Jolly Beggars: A Cantata
- Song—For A That
- Song—Merry Hae I Been Teethin A Heckle
- The Cotters Saturday Night
- Address To The Deil
- Scotch Drink
- The Auld Farmers New-Year-Morning Saluta
- The Twa Dogs
- The Authors Earnest Cry And Prayer
- The Ordination
- Epistle To James Smith
- The Vision
- Suppressed Stanzas Of “The Vision”
- Address To The Unco Guid, Or The Rigidly
- The Inventory
- To John Kennedy, Dumfries House
- To Mr. MAdam, Of Craigen-Gillan
- To A Louse, On Seeing One On A Ladys Bon
- Inscribed On A Work Of Hannah Mores
- Song, Composed In Spring
- To A Mountain Daisy,
- To Ruin
- The Lament
- Despondency: An Ode
- To Gavin Hamilton, Esq., Mauchline,
- Versified Reply To An Invitation
- Song—Will Ye Go To The Indies, My Mary?
- Song—My Highland Lassie, O
- Epistle To A Young Friend
- Address Of Beelzebub
- A Dream
- A Dedication
- Versified Note To Dr. Mackenzie, Mauchli
- The Farewell To the Brethren of St. Jame
- On A Scotch Bard, Gone To The West Indie
- Song—Farewell To Eliza
- A Bards Epitaph
- Epitaph On “Wee Johnie”
- The Lass O Ballochmyle
- Lines To An Old Sweetheart
- Motto Prefixed To The Authors First Publ
- Lines To Mr. John Kennedy
- Lines Written On A Banknote
- Stanzas On Naething
- The Farewell
- Thomsons Edward and Eleanora.
- The Calf
- Natures Law—A Poem
- Song—Willie Chalmers
- Reply To A Trimming Epistle Received Fro
- The Brigs Of Ayr
- Fragment Of Song
- Epigram On Rough Roads
- Prayer—O Thou Dread Power
- Farewell Song To The Banks Of Ayr
- Address To The Toothache
- Lines On Meeting With Lord Daer
- Masonic Song
- Tam Samsons Elegy
- The Epitaph
- Per Contra
- Epistle To Major Logan
- Fragment On Sensibility
- A Winter Night
- Song—Yon Wild Mossy Mountains
- Address To Edinburgh
- Address To A Haggis
- To Miss Logan, With Beatties Poems, For
- Mr. William Smellie—A Sketch
- Song—Bonie Dundee
- Extempore In The Court Of Session
- Inscription For The Headstone Of Ferguss
- Epistle To Mrs. Scott
- Verses Intended To Be Written Below A No
- Prologue
- The Bonie Moor-Hen
- Song—My Lord A-Hunting
- Epigram At Roslin Inn
- Epigram Addressed To An Artist
- The Book-Worms
- On Elphinstones Translation Of Martials
- Song—A Bottle And Friend
- Epitaph For William Nicol, Of The High S
- Epitaph For Mr. William Michie
- Address To Wm. Tytler, Esq., Of Woodhous
- Epigram To Miss Ainslie In Church
- Burlesque Lament For The Absence Of Will
- Note To Mr. Renton Of Lamerton
- Elegy On “Stella”
- The Bard At Inverary
- Epigram To Miss Jean Scott
- On The Death Of John MLeod, Esq,
- Elegy On The Death Of Sir James Hunter B
- Impromptu On Carron Iron Works
- To Miss Ferrier
- Written By Somebody On The Window
- The Poets Reply To The Threat Of A Censo
- The Libellers Self-Reproof
- Verses Written With A Pencil
- Song—The Birks Of Aberfeldy
- The Humble Petition Of Bruar Water
- Lines On The Fall Of Fyers Near Loch-Nes
- Epigram On Parting With A Kind Host In T
- Strathallans Lament
- Castle Gordon
- Song—Lady Onlie, Honest Lucky
- Theniel Menzies Bonie Mary
- The Bonie Lass Of Albany
- On Scaring Some Water-Fowl In Loch-Turit
- Blythe Was She
- A Rose-Bud By My Early Walk
- Epitaph For Mr. W. Cruikshank
- Song—The Banks Of The Devon
- Braving Angry Winters Storms
- Song—My Peggys Charms
- The Young Highland Rover
- Birthday Ode For 31st December, 1787
- On The Death Of Robert Dundas, Esq., Of
- Sylvander To Clarinda
- Love In The Guise Of Friendship
- Go On, Sweet Bird, And Sooth My Care
- Clarinda, Mistress Of My Soul
- Im Oer Young To Marry Yet
- To The Weavers Gin Ye Go
- MPhersons Farewell
- Stay My Charmer
- Song—My Hoggie
- Raving Winds Around Her Blowing
- Up In The Morning Early
- Hey, The Dusty Miller
- Duncan Davison
- The Lad They CaJumpin John
- Talk Of Him Thats Far Awa
- To Daunton Me
- The Winter It Is Past
- The Bonie Lad Thats Far Awa
- Verses To Clarinda
- The Chevaliers Lament
- Epistle To Hugh Parker
- Of A The Airts The Wind Can Blaw
- Song—I Hae a Wife O My Ain
- Lines Written In Friars-Carse Hermitage
- To Alex. Cunningham, ESQ., Writer
- Song.—Anna, Thy Charms
- The Fete Champetre
- Epistle To Robert Graham, Esq., Of Fintr
- Song.—The Day Returns
- Song.—O, Were I On Parnassus Hill
- A Mothers Lament
- The Fall Of The Leaf
- I Reign In Jeanies Bosom
- Auld Lang Syne
- My Bonie Mary
- The Parting Kiss
- Written In Friars-Carse Hermitage
- The Poets Progress
- Elegy On The Year 1788
- The Henpecked Husband
- Versicles On Sign-Posts
- Robin Shure In Hairst
- Ode, Sacred To The Memory Of Mrs. Oswald
- Pegasus At Wanlockhead
- Sappho Redivivus—A Fragment
- Song—Shes Fair And Fause
- Impromptu Lines To Captain Riddell
- Lines To John MMurdo, Esq. Of Drumlanrig
- Rhyming Reply To A Note From Captain Rid
- Caledonia—A Ballad
- To Miss Cruickshank
- Beware O Bonie Ann
- Ode On The Departed Regency Bill
- Epistle To James Tennant Of Glenconner
- A New Psalm For The Chapel Of Kilmarnock
- Sketch In Verse
- The Wounded Hare
- Delia, An Ode
- The Gardner Wi His Paidle
- On A Bank Of Flowers
- Young Jockie Was The Blythest Lad
- The Banks Of Nith
- Jamie, Come Try Me
- I Love My Love In Secret
- Sweet Tibbie Dunbar
- The Captains Lady
- John Anderson, My Jo
- My Love, Shes But A Lassie Yet
- Song—Tam Glen
- Carle, An The King Come
- The Laddies Dear Sel
- Whistle Oer The Lave Ot
- My Eppie Adair
- On The Late Captain Groses Peregrination
- Epigram On Francis Grose The Antiquary
- The Kirk Of Scotlands Alarm
- Presentation Stanzas To Correspondents
- Sonnet On Receiving A Favour
- Extemporaneous Effusion
- Song—Willie Brewd A Peck O Maut
- Ca The Yowes To The Knowes
- I Gaed A Waefu Gate Yestreen
- Highland Harry Back Again
- The Battle Of Sherramuir
- The Braes O Killiecrankie
- Awa Whigs, Awa
- A Waukrife Minnie
- The Captive Ribband
- My Hearts In The Highlands
- The Whistle—A Ballad
- To Mary In Heaven
- Epistle To Dr. Blacklock
- The Five Carlins
- Election Ballad For Westerha
- Prologue Spoken At The Theatre Of Dumfri
- Sketch—New Years Day, 1790
- Scots Prologue For Mr. Sutherland
- Lines To A Gentleman,
- Elegy On Willie Nicols Mare
- The Gowden Locks Of Anna
- Postscript
- Song—I Murder Hate
- Gudewife, Count The Lawin
- Election Ballad
- Elegy On Captain Matthew Henderson
- The Epitaph
- Verses On Captain Grose
- Tam O Shanter
- On The Birth Of A Posthumous Child
- Elegy On The Late Miss Burnet Of Monbodd
- Lament Of Mary, Queen Of Scots, On The A
- Therell Never Be Peace Till Jamie Comes
- Song—Out Over The Forth
- The Banks O Doon—First Version
- The Banks O Doon—Second Version
- The Banks O Doon—Third Version
- Lament For James, Earl Of Glencairn
- Lines Sent To Sir John Whiteford, Bart
- Craigieburn Wood
- Epigram On Miss Davies
- The Charms Of Lovely Davies
- What Can A Young Lassie Do Wi An Auld Ma
- The Posie
- On Glenriddells Fox Breaking His Chain
- Poem On Pastoral Poetry
- Verses On The Destruction Of The Woods N
- The Gallant Weaver
- Epigram At Brownhill Inn
- Lovely Polly Stewart
- Fragment,—Damon And Sylvia
- Johnie Lad, Cock Up Your Beaver
- My Eppie Macnab
- Altho He Has Left Me
- My Tochers The Jewel
- O For Ane An Twenty, Tam
- Thou Fair Eliza
- My Bonie Bell
- Sweet Afton
- Address To The Shade Of Thomson
- Nithsdales Welcome Hame
- Frae The Friends And Land I Love
- Such A Parcel Of Rogues In A Nation
- Ye Jacobites By Name
- I Hae Been At Crookieden
- O Kenmures On And Awa, Willie
- Epistle To John Maxwell, ESQ., Of Terrau
- Second Epistle To Robert Graham, ESQ., O
- The Song Of Death
- Poem On Sensibility
- The Toadeater
- Divine Service In The Kirk Of Lamington
- The Keekin-Glass
- A Grace Before Dinner, Extempore
- A Grace After Dinner, Extempore
- O May, Thy Morn
- Ae Fond Kiss, And Then We Sever
- Behold The Hour, The Boat, Arrive
- Thou Gloomy December
- My Native Land Sae Far Awa
- I do Confess Thou Art Sae Fair
- Lines On Fergusson, The Poet
- The Weary Pund O Tow
- When She Cam Ben She Bobbed
- Scroggam, My Dearie
- My Collier Laddie
- Sic A Wife As Willie Had
- Lady Mary Ann
- Kellyburn Braes
- The Slaves Lament
- O Can Ye Labour Lea?
- The Deuks Dang Oer My Daddie
- The Deils Awa Wi The Exciseman
- The Country Lass
- Bessy And Her Spinnin Wheel
- Love For Love
- Saw Ye Bonie Lesley
- Fragment Of Song
- Ill Meet Thee On The Lea Rig
- My Wifes A Winsome Wee Thing
- Highland Mary
- Auld Rob Morris
- The Rights Of Woman
- Epigram On Seeing Miss Fontenelle In A F
- Extempore On Some Commemorations Of Thom
- Duncan Gray
- Heres A Health To Them Thats Awa
- A Tippling Ballad
- Poortith Cauld And Restless Love
- On Politics
- Braw Lads O Galla Water
- Sonnet Written On The Authors Birthday,
- Wandering Willie—First Version
- Wandering Willie—Revised Version
- Lord Gregory
- Open The Door To Me, Oh
- Lovely Young Jessie
- Meg O The Mill
- Meg O The Mill—Another Version
- The Soldiers Return
- Versicles, A.D. 1793
- The True Loyal Natives
- On Commissary Goldies Brains
- Lines Inscribed In A Ladys Pocket Almana
- Thanksgiving For A National Victory
- Lines On The Commemoration Of Rodneys Vi
- The Raptures Of Folly
- Kirk and State Excisemen
- Extempore Reply To An Invitation
- Grace After Meat
- Grace Before And After Meat
- Impromptu On General Dumouriers Desertio
- The Last Time I Came Oer The Moor
- Logan Braes
- Blythe Hae I been On Yon Hill
- O Were My Love Yon Lilac Fair
- Bonie Jean—A Ballad
- Lines On John MMurdo, ESQ.
- Epitaph On A Lap-Dog
- Epigrams Against The Earl Of Galloway
- Epigram On The Laird Of Laggan
- Song—Phillis The Fair
- Song—Had I A Cave
- Song—By Allan Stream
- Whistle, And Ill Come To You, My Lad
- Phillis The Queen O The Fair
- Come, Let Me Take Thee To My Breast
- Dainty Davie
- Robert Bruces March To Bannockburn
- Behold The Hour, The Boat Arrive
- Down The Burn, Davie
- Thou Hast Left Me Ever, Jamie
- Where Are The Joys I have Met?
- Deluded Swain, The Pleasure
- Thine Am I, My Faithful Fair
- On Mrs. Riddells Birthday
- My Spouse Nancy
- Address
- Complimentary Epigram On Maria Riddell
- Remorseful Apology
- Wilt Thou Be My Dearie?
- A Fiddler In The North
- The Minstrel At Lincluden
- A Vision
- A Red, Red Rose
- Young Jamie, Pride Of A The Plain
- The Flowery Banks Of Cree
- Monody
- The Epitaph
- Pinned To Mrs. Walter Riddells Carriage
- Epitaph For Mr. Walter Riddell
- Epistle From Esopus To Maria
- Epitaph On A Noted Coxcomb
- On Capt. Lascelles
- On Wm. Graham, Esq., Of Mossknowe
- On John Bushby, Esq., Tinwald Downs
- Sonnet On The Death Of Robert Riddell
- The Lovely Lass O Inverness
- Charlie, Hes My Darling
- Bannocks O Bear Meal
- The Highland Balou
- The Highland Widows Lament
- It Was A For Our Rightfu King
- Ode For General Washingtons Birthday
- Inscription To Miss Graham Of Fintry
- On The Seas And Far Away
- Ca The Yowes To The Knowes—Second Versi
- She Says She Loes Me Best Of A
- To Dr. Maxwell
- To The Beautiful Miss Eliza J—N
- On Chloris
- On Seeing Mrs. Kemble In Yarico
- Epigram On A Country Laird,
- On Being Shewn A Beautiful Country Seat
- On Hearing It Asserted Falsehood
- On A Suicide
- On A Swearing Coxcomb
- On An Innkeeper Nicknamed “The Marquis”
- On Andrew Turner
- Pretty Peg
- Esteem For Chloris
- Saw Ye My Dear, My Philly
- How Lang And Dreary Is The Night
- Inconstancy In Love
- The Lovers Morning Salute To His Mistres
- The Winter Of Life
- Behold, My Love, How Green The Groves
- The Charming Month Of May
- Lassie Wi The Lint-White Locks
- Dialogue song—Philly And Willy
- Contented Wi Little And Cantie Wi Mair
- Farewell Thou Stream
- Canst Thou Leave Me Thus, My Katie
- My Nanies Awa
- The Tear-Drop
- For The Sake O Somebody
- A Mans A Man For A That
- Craigieburn Wood
- The Solemn League And Covenant
- Lines sent with a Present of a Dozen of
- Inscription On A Goblet
- Apology For Declining An Invitation To D
- Epitaph For Mr. Gabriel Richardson
- Epigram On Mr. James Gracie
- Bonie Peg-a-Ramsay
- Inscription At Friars Carse Hermitage
- There Was A Bonie Lass
- Wee Willie Gray
- O Aye My Wife She Dang Me
- Gude Ale Keeps The Heart Aboon
- O Steer Her Up An Haud Her Gaun
- The Lass O Ecclefechan
- O Let Me In Thes Ae Night
- Her Answer
- Ill Aye Ca In By Yon Town
- O Wat Ye Whas In Yon Town
- Ballads on Mr. Herons Election, 1795
- Inscription For An Altar Of Independence
- The Cardin Ot, The Spinnin Ot
- The Cooper O Cuddy
- The Lass That Made The Bed To Me
- Had I The Wyte? She Bade Me
- Does Haughty Gaul Invasion Threat?
- Address To The Woodlark
- Song.—On Chloris Being Ill
- How Cruel Are The Parents
- Mark Yonder Pomp Of Costly Fashion
- Twas Na Her Bonie Blue Ee
- Their Groves OSweet Myrtle
- Forlorn, My Love, No Comfort Near
- Fragment,—Why, Why Tell The Lover
- The Braw Wooer
- This Is No My Ain Lassie
- O Bonie Was Yon Rosy Brier
- Song Inscribed To Alexander Cunningham
- O Thats The Lassie O My Heart
- Inscription
- Fragment.—Leezie Lindsay
- Fragment.—The Wrens Nest
- News, Lassies, News
- Crowdie Ever Mair
- Mallys Meek, Mallys Sweet
- Jockeys Taen The Parting Kiss
- Verses To Collector Mitchell
- Postscript
- The Dean Of Faculty
- Epistle To Colonel De Peyster
- A Lass Wi A Tocher
- Heron Election Ballad, No. IV.
- Complimentary Versicles To Jessie Lewars
- O Lay Thy Loof In Mine, Lass
- A Health To Ane I Loe Dear
- O Wert Thou In The Cauld Blast
- Inscription To Miss Jessy Lewars
- Fairest Maid On Devon Banks
- Glossary
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