Poems and Songs of Robert Burns
address to the unco guid, or the rigidly righteous my son, these maxims make a rule, an' lump them aye thegither; the rigid righteous is a fool, the rigid wise anither: the cleanest corn that ere was dight may hae some pyles o' caff in; so ne'er a fellow-creature slight for random fits o' daffin. (solomon.—eccles. ch. vii. verse 16.) o ye wha are sae guid yoursel', sae pious and sae holy, ye've nought to do but mark and tell your neibours' fauts and folly! whase life is like a weel-gaun mill, supplied wi' store o' water; the heaped happer's ebbing still, an' still the clap plays clatter. hear me, ye venerable core, as counsel for poor mortals that frequent pass douce wisdom's door for glaikit folly's portals: i, for their thoughtless, careless sakes, would here propone defences— their donsie tricks, their black mistakes, their failings and mischances. ye see your state wi' theirs compared, and shudder at the niffer; but cast a moment's fair regard, what maks the mighty differ; discount what scant occasion gave, that purity ye pride in; and (what's aft mair than a' the lave), your better art o' hidin. think, when your castigated pulse gies now and then a wallop! M.hZgjJx.Com