Poems and Songs of Robert Burns
ballad on the american war tune—“killiecrankie.” when guilford good our pilot stood an' did our hellim thraw, man, ae night, at tea, began a plea, within america, man: then up they gat the maskin-pat, and in the sea did jaw, man; an' did nae less, in full congress, than quite refuse our law, man. then thro' the lakes montgomery takes, i wat he was na slaw, man; down lowrie's burn he took a turn, and carleton did ca', man: but yet, whatreck, he, at quebec, montgomery-like did fa', man, wi' sword in hand, before his band, amang his en'mies a', man. poor tammy gage within a cage was kept at boston—ha', man; till willie howe took o'er the knowe for philadelphia, man; wi' sword an' gun he thought a sin guid christian bluid to draw, man; but at new york, wi' knife an' fork, sir-loin he hacked sma', man. burgoyne gaed up, like spur an' whip, till fraser brave did fa', man; then lost his way, ae misty day, in saratoga shaw, man. cornwallis fought as lang's he dought, an' did the buckskins claw, man; but clinton's glaive frae rust to save, he hung it to the wa', man. then montague, an' guilford too, began to fear, a fa', man; and sackville dour, wha stood the stour, the german chief to thraw, man: for padm.hzgjjX.coM