Poems and Songs of Robert Burns
the kirk of scotland's alarm a ballad. tune—“come rouse, brother sportsman!” orthodox! orthodox, who believe in john knox, let me sound an alarm to your conscience: a heretic blast has been blown in the west, “that what is no sense must be nonsense,” orthodox! that what is no sense must be nonsense. doctor mac! doctor mac, you should streek on a rack, to strike evil-doers wi' terror: to join faith and sense, upon any pretence, was heretic, damnable error, doctor mac! 'twas heretic, damnable error. town of ayr! town of ayr, it was mad, i declare, to meddle wi' mischief a-brewing, provost john is still deaf to the church's relief, and orator bob is its ruin, town of ayr! yes, orator bob is its ruin. d'rymple mild! d'rymple mild, tho' your heart's like a child, and your life like the new-driven snaw, yet that winna save you, auld satan must have you, for preaching that three's ane an' twa, d'rymple mild! for preaching that three's ane an' twa. rumble john! rumble john, mount the steps with a groan, cry the book is with heresy cramm'd; then out wi' your ladle, deal brimstone like aidle, and roar ev'ry note of the damn'd. rumble john! and roar ev'ry note of the damn'd. simper james! simper james, leave your fair killie dames, there's a holier chase in your view: i'll lay on your head, that the pack you'll soon lead, for puppies like you there's but few, simper james! for puppies like yom.hZGjJx.COm