Poems and Songs of Robert Burns
glossary a', all. a-back, behind, away. abiegh, aloof, off. ablins, v. aiblins. aboon, above up. abread, abroad. abreed, in breadth. ae, one. aff, off. aff-hand, at once. aff-loof, offhand. a-fiel, afield. afore, before. aft, oft. aften, often. agley, awry. ahin, behind. aiblins, perhaps. aidle, foul water. aik, oak. aiken, oaken. ain, own. air, early. airle, earnest money. airn, iron. airt, direction. airt, to direct. aith, oath. aits, oats. aiver, an old horse. aizle, a cinder. a-jee, ajar; to one side. alake, alas. alane, alone. alang, along. amaist, almost. amang, among. an, if. an', and. ance, once. ane, one. aneath, beneath. anes, ones. anither, another. aqua-fontis, spring water. aqua-vitae, whiskey. arle, v. airle. ase, ashes. asklent, askew, askance. aspar, aspread. asteer, astir. a'thegither, altogether. athort, athwart. atweel, in truth. atween, between. aught, eight. aught, possessed of. aughten, eighteen. aughtlins, at all. auld, old. auldfarran, auldfarrant, shrewd, old-fashioned, sagacious. auld reekie, edinburgh. auld-warld, old-world. aumous, alms. ava, at all. awa, away. awald, backways and doubled up. awauk, awake. awauken, awaken. awe, owe. awkart, awkward. awnie, bearded. ayont, beyond. ba', a ball. backet, bucket, box. backit, backed. backlins-comin, coming back. back-yett, gate at the back. bade, endured. bade, asked. baggie, stomach. baig'nets, bayonets. baillie, magistrate of a scots burgh. bainie, bony. bairn, child. bairntime, brood. baith, both. bakes, biscuits. ballats, ballads. balou, lullaby. ban, swear. ban', band (of the presbyterian clergyman). bane, bone. bang, an effort; a blow; a large number. bang, to thump. banie, v. bainie. bannet, bonnet. bannock, bonnock, a thick oatmeal cake. bardim.hZgJjX.COm