Poems and Songs of Robert Burns
the charms of lovely davies tune—“miss muir.” o how shall i, unskilfu', try the poet's occupation? the tunefu' powers, in happy hours, that whisper inspiration; even they maun dare an effort mair than aught they ever gave us, ere they rehearse, in equal verse, the charms o' lovely davies. each eye it cheers when she appears, like phoebus in the morning, when past the shower, and every flower the garden is adorning: as the wretch looks o'er siberia's shore, when winter-bound the wave is; sae droops our heart, when we maun part frae charming, lovely davies. her smile's a gift frae 'boon the lift, that maks us mair than princes; a sceptred hand, a king's command, is in her darting glances; the man in arms 'gainst female charms even he her willing slave is, he hugs his chain, and owns the reign of conquering, lovely davies. my muse, to dream of such a theme, her feeble powers surrender: the eagle's gaze alone surveys the sun's meridian splendour. i wad in vain essay the strain, the deed too daring brave is; i'll drap the lyre, and mute admire the charms o' lovely davies.M.HZGjJx.cOM