,一个月本家主给你们开了50万的美金的工资,既然如此,那你们都去给我的公司陪葬吧!我的家族不需要你们这样的废物,我也养不起你们这样的废物!”詹姆斯-亚凶神恶煞的怒骂道,恨不得将眼前的几个马上送去陪葬。 “master, we are wrong. we are giving us a chance. we will be able to defend this time!”my subordinates are still begging for mercy. i hope the master can let them go. “家主我们错了,再给我们一次机会,这一次我们一定能够防御住的!”属下还在求饶,希望家主能放他们一马。 “it's easy for you to say. do you know how much money i lost this time? a total of 160billion us dollars, or will you give me 160billion us dollars?”with that, he ignored these people's begging for mercy and directly ordered john next to him. “你们说得倒是轻松,你们知道这次我损失了多少钱吗?整整1600亿美金,还是说放你们一马,你们能够给我1600亿美金?”说完不再理睬这帮人的求饶,直接吩咐了旁边的约翰。 “john, i need you to get rid of this group of people immediately without leaving a trace, so that people in our country can't find it. can you do it?”james yar asked john if he could do it. “约翰,我需要你给我马上把这群人处理掉,并且不留一丝痕迹,不能让我们国家人发现,你能做到吗?”詹姆斯-亚询问约翰是否能做到。 john said, master, you can leave this matter to me. i will deal with them without anyone noticing. it will not harm you! 约翰说:“家主,这件事您尽管交给我,我绝对神不知鬼不觉的处理掉他们,不会危害到您!” james yah said, yes, i hope you won't let me down! 詹姆斯-亚说道:“可以,希望你不会让我失望!” john said, yes, master, my subordinates are leaving first! 约翰说:“是,家主,属下先告退了!” after john took the people out, james yah continued: no one is allowed to say anything about what happened today, including the hacker attack on the company. otherwise, i will peel your skin and pull out your teeth, and your family will suffer the same torture! if you don't believe it, you can try it!after saying this, i will go M.hZGjJX.cOm